Our Team

Sean - @dunnelop_volleys

Mr Powder Pig himself! Sean is the founder of Powder Pig Snow Brand. The idea sparking throughout his 10 years of snowboarding. He recognised early in his days how the snow fashion was becoming more and more a part of the snow culture. Everyone wants that "Snowboarder" look. Nowadays it really doesn't matter if you have no idea, as long as you've got all the gear!

One of his passions is travelling and snowboarding all around the globe hitting the slopes in Japan, Canada, France, Switz, USA, NZ, & Aus! Along the way he has picked up hundreds of different snow brands, there literally isn't a brand he hasn't repped.. Through the combination of his love for snowboarding and buying snow gear this is how Powder Pig Snow Brand was born.

Thanks for checking us out!

Powder Pig



Brooke - @brookedunnedashian

Remember the first time you ever hit the slopes, how much you hated seeing those snotty nose kids fly past you? Well Brooke was one of those kids. She could ski before she could even walk! Growing up around Falls Creek she learnt a thing or two.. She's also one of those rare kinds that can ski and snowboard!

Without doubt Brooke is the back bone of Powder Pig Snow Brand, doing all the behind the scenes stuff. If you have received a package from us, its guaranteed she has packed and posted that for you. She also puts some well needed skiing perspective into Powder Pig, with Sean being a snowboarder he can be quite one eyed at the best of times.

Brooke has a love for travelling and seeing the world, more recently she has been enjoying the warmer vacations by the beach in places like The Bahamas and Mexico over the colder Aus alps. Together Sean and Brooke bring you..

Powder Pig Snow Brand